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Humanitarian Aid



The humanitarian situation in Ukraine is dire due to the ongoing conflict with Russia. The bombing has destroyed entire towns and cities, leaving many without access to basic necessities like electricity, water, and food. Some people have been forced to seek shelter in basements, where even a simple pillow or blanket is considered a luxury. The destroyed infrastructure has made it impossible for normal functioning, and the most basic supplies are restricted.

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The Humanosh Foundation has been involved in humanitarian aid for over 15 years and is now providing critical assistance to those affected by the crisis in Ukraine. Their team of volunteers risks their health and lives every day to deliver essential items like food, water, medicine, and clothing to the most isolated and forgotten areas of Ukraine. With the help of donors, the Wołosiański family, and other volunteers, the foundation's mission is to create a safe and dignified reality for every person, regardless of their background, race, religion, or skin color. However, they can only achieve this with the support of others

Medical Evacuation

Humanosh Emergency Medical Team is a branch of the Humanosh Foundation dedicated to providing medical support. It originated from Humanosh Med Evacuation (HME) the group devoted to transportation services in Ukraine since March 10, 2022. The country's medical infrastructure has been severely impacted by the ongoing war, with hospitals destroyed, shortages of supplies and medical personnel, and the constant risk of rocket attacks. In this context, HME has become a key link in the chain of international medical assistance, having conducted nearly 2,200 medical evacuations since the start of the war.



The Humanosh Foundation has been involved in humanitarian aid for over 15 years and is now providing critical assistance to those affected by the crisis in Ukraine. Their team of volunteers risks their health and lives every day to deliver essential items like food, water, medicine, and clothing to the most isolated and forgotten areas of Ukraine. With the help of donors, the Wołosiański family, and other volunteers, the foundation's mission is to create a safe and dignified reality for every person, regardless of their background, race, religion, or skin color. However, they can only achieve this with the support of others

The WHO has been providing financial and operational support to HME since September 12, 2022, and assumed honorary patronage of the facility's operations on January 1, 2023. This support has been a milestone in the further development of the medical evacuation project, allowing HME to plan its activities for the long term and operate according to the highest international standards. As a result, HME has begun the EMT certification process, which will further enhance its capabilities and enable it to provide a stable partnership for organizations involved in the international medevac system.



Mirnyj Dom is where we help people forced to flee their own country.

Refugee Aid

Our current residents are mainly refugees from Ukraine, but the first Mirnyj House was established for people from Belarus. There are now four such facilities, which were established through the Foundation's efforts.

These people, often forced to leave their homes and often their families in a hurry, suddenly find themselves in Poland. They don't know the language, are deprived of friends, are left to fend for themselves, and most often end up in refugee centers.


They can live at the Mirnyj House for several months without worrying about material matters. The foundation provides them with a roof over their heads, food, cleaning supplies and medical care.


Volunteers help with the formalities of legalizing their stay in Poland and finding work. The Foundation organizes vocational workshops for them, and art classes for children and young people. Residents also have a psychologist at their disposal.

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